

Moak Online Sales offers competitive pricing and flat fees with absolutely NO hidden charges. Unlike many other eBay selling services, Moak Online Sales pays for ALL eBay, PayPal, and transaction fees.
 $9.99 Start Price Auctions: $2.00
  • Up to 12 Pictures
  • Auction Starts at $9.99 with No Reserve
  • 7 Day Listing
Fixed Price Listings: $5.00
  • Unlimited Pictures
  • 30 Day Listing
  • Gallery Picture
  • One Free Relist if item does not sell (must lower the price by 20% or more)
Premium Auction Service Listings: $8.00
  • Set Starting Bid higher than $9.99
  • Unlimited Pictures
  • Gallery Picture
  • Bold Title
  • Subtitle
  • One Free Relist if item does not sell (must lower start price to $9.99)
Vehicle Listings: $100.00
  • Unlimited Pictures
  • 10 Day Listing (optional)
  • Gallery Picture
  • Includes the $30.00 Final Value Fee
38% of the final selling price on all auction or fixed price listings up to $4,999.99
32% of the final selling price on all auction or fixed price listings from $5,000.00 to $49,999.99
25% of the final selling price on all auction or fixed price listings above $50,000.00

Moak Online Sales covers all eBay listing fees, eBay final value fees, PayPal and transaction fees out of the listed commissions above.  Depending on the sale price of the item the associated fees can range from 10 to 20 percent of the transaction!